Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Playing Age Of Empires 1 Without Disc

Study: Corporate identity, beyond logo. E-

The logo is only part of what is known as corporate identity and brand image. It is a minimum or maximum, depending how you look. Concentrated in a single image, including text or not, what anyone should recognize and identify how the company or product it represents. The logo, as an ambassador of the brand it has to be able to relate properly anywhere they are assigned. A business card, a bright, packaging ...

This integration into the entire ecosystem of a company represents a huge challenge for any professional, and when addressed, is very different than it is a newly created company, or an established one. If the company and products that already exists, and therefore it is a renewal of the current image, the designer has all the information needed to make your portrait. Know what the natural position it occupies awarded by its customers and its competition. Unless you look for a revolution that will make you leave where you are, what we do is to renew and strengthen the values \u200b\u200bof the brand.
But when a new release, the position must be remote. Sometimes it is more difficult because you have to invent everything. In others, it is fortunate because we have no conditioning in the mind of the consumer.
One of the jobs that I have more fun in recent years was the creation of corporate identity Hotel San Antonio el Real in Segovia . A singular space gave me the opportunity to work on it since the beginning of the project, when there were only scaffolding. It allowed me to develop the concept of identity coprorativa, as I said at the beginning of the post, beyond a simple logo. For the curious and apprentices, here I explain part of the "making of" of that work.

Fieldwork and Documentation.
Being a newly established hotel, I visited the works to learn from within the essence of the project. The rehabilitation of one of the cloisters of the centenary abandoned monastery of San Antonio el Real, currently occupied by nuns, and the difficulties of modern times, decided to give part of it, along with some surrounding land to a developer for use in tourism.
included visits use private parties, where you could soak the spirit of place. Architectural and historical wealth of it, leaving perfectly clear that any graphical element that we wanted to create was from there. While other designers probably had proposed something more eclectic, modern and disruptors, the client and I agreed on the importance of passing a hotel guests of the historical and cultural legacy that enclosed the monastery. Strongly the current line to live a full experience with every stay.

The field work and documentation and documentary literature we consulted, led us to select some unique elements that could be used as a starting point. Franciscan cord, pervasive throughout the convent for obvious reasons, and a mural that presides over the church of the same.

Development Elements.
From these starting points, we start by creating a typeface drawn from the text itself mural, taking into account that he was not the 28 letters of the alphabet, and it was necessary to recreate, following the normal rules of construction of letterpress, the remainder. Without doubt, one of the most interesting parts of that request. One imagined the old mural painter, who knows if one of the nuns themselves, improvising lyrics freehand patterns following limited only now trying to figure out and set in a document. And the result was this:
The importance of the original typography, came not only use the logo, if not serve as a key element in the whole concept of corporate identity. Would base the visual personality in these letters. Including widespread corporate use of its original color.

Working closely with interior designers and architects, identified various elements such as signage on the basis of this unique typeface. Since the number of rooms to the pictograms of the toilets, past the posters of the different rooms, and of course, the exterior signage. Corporate graphic design was serving to build, never better, the product itself.

Finally, make the other elements of advertising was quite simple, as the final product conveyed a strong image and consistent from start to finish. You just had to be faithful to the spirit. And it was done.


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