Monday, March 7, 2011

Solid Black Tattoo Sleeves

Ten keys for emailing or newsletter

Warning: this post was published previously in Cooking Ideas, Vodafone's blog designed to feed the mind in which each week collaborate.

In the post about how to organize your digital life , Mark asked about how to make more effective a trade newsletter, and after a brief answer, I found it interesting to spend more time on a subject that is unknown rather, what makes some companies use it incorrectly, and others do not use fear. A newsletter is not nothing but a e-mailing. And e-mailing advertising is an action that adds the features of the old mailings 1.0 with 2.0 actions or rather interactive. Therefore, when address them, we must consider what we used before and what has changed.

But let's start at the beginning. How effective are newsletters loe? Asking the expert in this type of content, Eva Sanagustín , what can you expect from an e-mailing with request for action (sale or lead) your opinion is:

"Overall opening 10% is low and 40% can be considered good, much depends on the subject and time of shipment; For clicks, also depends on each case but the other 2% is low and if it is something like 'buy OFERTON of your life 'may rise enough, 15% and is acceptable; Low subscription, less than 2% to go well, if not really bored with our shipments. "

The most important of this response is not possible in the data, which are variable, but in the content, which gives us many clues how to make a good newsletter (o-emailing). Want to know how? In paragraph above, there are seven key words in this order: Opening , Subject, Time, OFERTON, Subscription, Low and boring. not forget them because they are the key to everything. Began:

Opening: send a mail does not equal impact. In any action by emailing is essential to have a tool that lets you know how many have been opened. That's the main advantage to a traditional mailing envelope, here's feedback, and always know if the database is good or bad. In a traditional postal mailing, the closest are the returns, you have to debug gradually. But do not know if you have not been returned have come open, or if you made a useful contact. In an email, not enough that you do not return it, you must know if you have opened, and for that there are tools. Although that is open, you can not rely solely on the database ....

Subject: before opening an email, see the issue. If the matter is not interesting enough in itself, throw it or leave it unopened. So once we have the correct database, we have to talk so that they are interested. The issue is the claim, the owner of a traditional display ad, or they put out on the envelope, whose mission is to get you, interested ... Avoid it very generic, unless it is a periodic newsletter for a community very loyal and may be waiting. Is not the same e-mail with an offer that the association's weekly newsletter. Although it may still not open because it comes at the right time ...

Time: shipping servers with spam filters do not allow you to send all emails at once, and will send progressively. This means that mass mailings are distributed up to several days, and some come in the morning, others in the afternoon and others at night. Depending on the content and the recipient, a few hours may be perfect and others like throwing it away. If you arrive in the evening to a work account too use it, to get to work strategies mole buried in another post, for example, or is a limited supply, may be late ...

SPECIAL OFFER: Like when I talked the case, the content is very important. Basic to the effectiveness not only timely, but to read on the following items. The "SPECIAL OFFER" need not be a discount. OFERTON is a proposal that can not refuse. Something exclusive to subscribers, something for a limited time, which only communicates in this way ... or something, just interesting, and to do to keep my subscription to the newsletter ....

Subscription: even be here, should have begun by this point, but I assume that you know. You can not send e-mailing or newsletter without express prior consent. No is legal, but if it were, or even if you do not report the recipient if you send it without permission will be considered invasive. And that you know what I mean. Mail shot, and I like evil. I get off my friends ...

Low: casualties are two dangers. The first thing you control how much they occur, do not know if you're doing really well or poorly. And second, if someone is written off and you keep on sending emails, probably do not bother to report you really as it stops. Manage this with a normal mail account is really hard, so either hire a specific software or use a free service in the Feedblitz cloud as , that does it all for you, without being boring ...

Boring: this is the worst in the whole world when it comes to marketing and communication, but even more so if shipments. And is the mother of the lamb, as it is in the Social Media and other advertising today: " the content is king." Thinks that the content you submit, can never be boring or bland. There has to make you laugh, but can not leave you indifferent. It has to be information that really serves to who receives it, and if you click on the answer, at least think "I will not unsubscribe if send me anything as interesting as this at another time ", although the ideal is that it is so, so interesting, you click on buy now ...

So far the initial tracks, but still there are other little tricks to have Consider ...

Buy: all sell something. Although it is the newsletter of the association, because selling means to continue proud of belonging to it, pay dues, participate ... I do not believe in communication that only seek friends light. I want friends "engagement" customers. And while it may be just for the branding communication is best to seek the immediate response. There is no better loyalty that make you buy or do you respond, if only once a year ea ...

Any time or many? This advice applies to all previous: Send only when you have to send and to whom you have to send. It is preferable to one consignment per year or no fixed schedule, but when we're shipping insurance is adequate. If you get regular shipments as required, may be sending you finish filling ... and then what will happen is opening> Boring> Baja

And finally, but not least ...

is advertising: as always, I return to the general concepts to close this round of advice. A emailing is advertising, and therefore we can not forget the basic premises of any means or part. The target must be well defined and the message tailored to the target which must contain, whenever possible, purchase a single proposal. And since the e-mailing part of a database that can be segmented, and the environment is perceived as more "personal" is not a good idea to do mass mailings to show that I care not fill your mailbox. If you have different product profiles and in your wallet customers, send different messages, and prevent the shipment to take other offers that distract from the main thing, "click and buy now"

Image: Bettina @ Creatove Flickr Commons


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